Area code 914.
Pleasantville NY is in area code 914.
There are a number of ways for one to contact Matrix Direct Insurance Services. One may wish to visit the website for the email address, or telephone the company on 1 800 914 8376.
914 serves Westchester County. Staten Island is served by 718, 917, 347, and 929.
The country code and area code of Ayapa, Mexico is 52, (01)914.
The country code and area code of BurtrÌ_sk, Sweden is 46, (0)914.
The country code and area code of Shangzhou- SN, China is 86, (0)914.
joe Jonas zip code is 65129 and cell number is 1-914-985-9359
New Rochelle, and all of Westchester County, uses area code +1 914.
ANSWER:If I'm not mistaken its 914, but try to check it out
The city of Waterford was founded in 914 AD. The company Waterford Crystal was founded in 1783.