Numbers on the motor of trucks and other vehicles are identification numbers for the engine block casting. These numbers identify the batch of production the engine block comes from and can be used in recalls.
3970010 is a 327 in the years from 1967-1969 and 350 from 1976-1979
3970010 can be a 350 two or four bolt block.
it is a 1969-1979 motor it was used in cars, trucks, and vettes
That should be a 4 bolt main 350
double check the numbers... i think you'll find that the first number is a 3 3970010 and it is a 350 ci
It is a 350, from the 70's, or early 80's, and probably a 4 bolt main. Heavy duty. From a truck, or station wagon, or high performance. On a pad, just in front of the drivers side cylinder head, there will be a number, beginning with a couple of letters. TO, is truck only. Probably what you have. Good motor to build a hot rod around.
Gm 3970010 the model?
look at the serial numbers on the side of the block and get a decoding book.
The numbers on the drivers side rear of the engine right above the bellhousing are more helpful.
It's a 4" bore block. Has been used for 302, 327, and 350 engines.
No. That number was used for 302's, 327's, and 350's. (4" bore)