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  1. surface friction and sliding friction
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Q: What are the two types of friction that affect the performance of your mousetrap car?
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What are the two types of friction that affect a mousetrap car?

The two types of friction that affect a mousetrap car are rolling friction, which occurs between the wheels and the surface of the ground, and sliding friction, which occurs between the axles and the wheels. Both types of friction can reduce the overall efficiency and speed of the mousetrap car.

What two types of friction that affect the performance of your vehicle?

The two types of friction that affect the performance of a vehicle are rolling friction, which occurs between the tires and the road surface, and air resistance, which affects the vehicle as it moves through the air. Both types of friction can impact fuel efficiency and overall performance of the vehicle.

What are two kinds of friction affecting the mousetraps cars?

Two kinds of friction affecting mousetrap cars are rolling friction, which occurs when the wheels of the car roll on a surface, and sliding friction, which occurs when the moving parts of the car rub against each other or the surface. Both types of friction can affect the speed and efficiency of the mousetrap car.

What two kinds of friction affecting the mouse trap cars f and s?

The two types of friction affecting mouse trap cars are rolling friction, which occurs when the wheels of the car are in contact with the surface, and sliding friction, which occurs between the moving parts of the car, such as the axles and the mousetrap mechanism. These frictional forces can affect the efficiency and speed of the mouse trap car.

How does friction affect a simple machine?

Friction can decrease the efficiency of a simple machine by causing energy loss in the form of heat. It can also cause wear and tear on the machine's parts, reducing its overall lifespan. However, friction can also be intentionally harnessed to improve the performance of certain types of simple machines, such as brakes or clamps.

What doesn't affect friction?

A variable that has no affect on friction is Inertia

What are the two factors that effect friction?

The factors that affect friction are the types of surfaces in contact and the normal force pressing the surfaces together. Friction increases with rougher surfaces and higher normal forces.

What are the three factors that effect friction?

The three factors that affect friction are the types of materials in contact, the smoothness of the surfaces, and the amount of force pressing the surfaces together.

What are types of friction?

There are 2 types of frictions: 1. Rolling friction 2. Static friction 3. Fluid friction

What is dry friction what are the types of dry friction what is fluid friction what are the types of dynamic or kinetic friction?

Fluid friction is the friction that occurs when an object moves through a fluid or gas.

What types of energy are in a mousetrap car?

potential and kenitic energy and mecanical and hooke's law

What types of friction aren't used much?

There are three types of friction and all are all actually used often. These are static friction, rolling friction, and sliding friction.