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Q: What are the two functions of a dictionary?
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What are two parts of speech in the dictionary?

Noun...for dictionary article for the

What are the two type of dictionary?

The English and French dictionary

What are two kind of dictionary?

1. Dictionary. 2. Thesaurus. You can find meanings of words in both.

Is the word this'll a noun or verb?

"This'll" is a contraction of "this will" and functions as a verb phrase, not a noun.

Is timeline one word or two?

According to the 11th Collegiate Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, time line is two words.

Two functions of protein in a diet?

Two functions of protein are growth and repair.

What are the dictionary guide words of self-evident?

That depends on the dictionary you are using. Turn to 'self-evident' in your dictionary and look at the two words printed at the top of the page.

What are the difference of an electronic dictionary and a printed dictionary?

An electronic dictionary is digital and can provide features like pronunciation guides, search functions, and translation capabilities. Printed dictionaries are physical books that may offer more detailed word entries but lack the interactive features of electronic ones. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on personal preference and intended use.

What are the major functions of art?

two major functions of art are : Me and YOu.

What is the first adjective in a dictionary starting with d that has two syllables?

One example of a two-syllable adjective starting with "d" that may appear first in a dictionary is "decisive."

What are the first two things listed in each entry in a dictionary?

The first two things listed in each dictionary entry are usually the word being defined and its pronunciation key.

Which password-cracking attack functions by attempting every possible combination of alphanumeric characters until it finds a match?

Dictionary attack