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Black smoke from the exhaust and rough idling are two of the more common problems. The egr valve can be removed and cleaned on most vehicles

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Q: What are the symptoms of a faulty erg valve?
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Where is the ERG valve located on your 92 Vandure?

Where is the ERG valve located on a Chevy Vandura 5.7 350 engine?

Where is the erg valve on a 1994 olds bravada?

An ERG is a unit of work. An EGR is a valve that usually sits on the manifold and is controlled by a vacuum diaphram.

Where is the erg valve on a 1999 Chevy Express van?

The ERG valve on a 1999 Chevy Express van is near the carburetor. It is bolted on the intake manifold.

Where is the ERG valve on a 2002 explorer XLT?

Right on top of the valve cover

What are the symptoms of a faulty idle air control valve?

A faulty IAC will cause stalling problems at idle. Most of the time if you hold the gas pedal down it will run fine. Be careful because these symptoms can come from an EGR valve that is stuck open aswell. If you have a fast idle i would look for a intake leak.

How do i disable the ERG valve?

If your EGR valve is vacuum operated, simply remove the vacuum hose from the valve.

If you have changed erg valve o2 sensor gas cap but engine lights back on what can you do?

I changed erg valve o2 sensor and gas cap but lights back on what do I do

Where is the ERG Valve located on a 05 Magnum 3.5L High Output?

"EGR" valve?

Is erg valve and blow off valve the same?

If you mean the EGR (exhaust Gas Reclaimer), no.

Where is the ERG valve on a 94 Geo Metro?

do you mean the EGR valve? it's at the base of the intake manifold

Where is the ERG valve on a 4.3 Chevy Blazer?

It is on the back of the intake manifold.

Where is the ERG valve located on a 1998 Chevy blazer V6 4.3L?

The ERG valve is located on the front of the engine on a 1998 Chevy Blazer V6 4.3L. It is near the top bolted to the intake manifold.