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Because statistically, boys have a higher rate of claims due to accidents. Same reason teenagers pay more than older adults.

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Q: What are the reasons that boys pay more then girls on car insurance?
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Why are new driver insurance rates so much higher for boys than for girls?

Driver insurance rates are higher for boys than for girls because it has been proven statistically that boys are more likely to get into car accidents than girls.

Why do boys pay for more auto insurance than girls?

There are statistics that prove boys are a higher risk on the road than girls. While there are boys out there who are more responsible on the road, there remain more girls who are. Insurance companies typically don't equal the sexes out until the guy turns 25 - he is less of a risk at that age. Boys can get discounts for good grades so it isn't a complete hardship.

5 reasons why boys are better than girls?

boys aren't better than girls we are all equal in God's waybut boys are more handsome we are strongerour fart doesn't smell bad

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there are more boys in the world acording to the govament there is 3248080000 boys and there is 3214983000 girls (\___/) (='.'=) ('')-('')

Who has more hair girls or boyS?

Boys. Girls have more hair's than Boys!

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undoutedly, girls spend more money than boys.

Are there more girls than boys in 2012?

their are more girls than boys

Is there more boys or more girls in Egypt?

Girls because there are more girls in the world than boys that is so true

Who are smater boys or girls?

Girls. Cause they pay attention more not boys. Boys think about sports and recess more. Girls don't that is why girls tend to pay attention more.

Should boys and girls pay the same insurance price?

Insurance rates are based on statistics. Boys have more accidents then girls, so they pay higher insurance rates. Because they are statistically WAY WAY WAY more likely to be involved in motor vehicle accidents. However, most companies offer a good-grades discount; boys who get good grades in school are less likely to be in accidents and thus often pay less for insurance.

Does England have more boys than girls?

no england has more boys than girls

If there is a school bus with 36 kids . there are 8 more boys then girlshow many boys and how many girls?

if there are only 8 MORE boys then girls then there are: 14 girls and 22 boysif there are 8 TIMES more boys than girls then there are: 32 boys and 4 girls