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Q: What are the most annoying insurance ads?
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Are ads annoying?


Why do companies use annoying ads?

The plan is usually to make memorable ads; one way of doing that is to make annoying ones - if you remember it, then it's worked.

Why is ask so annoying?

coz they have rubbish ads

Why are there so many ads that we cannot see what we want?

Ads are annoying but they pay for the hardware of the site (which is free to you).

Why is ask Jeeves so annoying?

coz they have rubbish ads

Where can one find insurance ads?

Insurance ads can be found from many different sources. Many websites have advertisements for insurance while many television stations often have insurance ads between shows.

What is the most annoying ad on tv?

deffinately the most hated television advert of all time is the go compare ads! its the most annoying advert in the history of television. how ever the producers and company did hit a win as the mind crippling song gets lodged into your brain.

What beer company used the increasingly annoying Whazzzzzzzup in its ads?


Is there any way to avoid annoying sponsored links?

A solution to annoying sponsored ads would be to install an Ad Blocker plugin for your browser. Sponsored ads are pretty common place these days, and they are everywhere.

Do you people think you could possibly cram any more annoying ads on one page?

Whilst adverts can be annoying - it's how most web-sites are funded ! You can always install an ad-blocker program.

What is superlative form of annoying?

most annoying

How can you protect yourself versus unwanted Black Friday sales ads in your online browser?

Depending on what browser you are using you can install an add on to block ads from displaying including the annoying video ads. One of the more popular ones is Adblock plus. They have a plug in for the most internet browsers .