The optima battery is a type of battery that is used in cars. It is sold all over and said to be one of the top-rated car batteries on the market today.
go to a battery store
Anyplace that sells the Optima battery can tell you the correct size to purchase.
yes it will i have a optima battery in my 1995 marquis
It is a good quality battery. I have one installed in my Toyota that is 5 years old.
The main uses for solar chargers are to provide electricity to electronic battery operated devices. They are used to charge devices such as cell phones and iPods.
Best battery? That is debatable. But IMO one of the best batteries you can buy is the Optima.
i would just go with a optima
Exide, Johnson Controls, Optima, SRV, and Interstate all make excellent batteries. Optima is the best you can buy but they are pricey.
or mopil xhp that's very good the 2003 kia optima uses 5w-30
Not really. Volvo uses a sealed lead acid battery in their vehicles since they are in the trunk. You can buy one on your own, but they aren't much cheaper. Examples of brands you could use would be an Optima Battery, or an Exide Orbital. If you go to sears, or anywhere else, just tell them you need a sealed battery.
A cheap battery will work good with the vehicle being stock. No more is really needed for this model. If you want a good battery for it however, an Optima red top will be the best you can get for the need. The Optima yellow top is a good option for an upgraded stereo or subs installed.