Depends on your contract and the fine prints, do go through it or ask your consultant /agent who could give you an immediate answer.
There are two parties involved in an insurance contract. They are;Insurer: The party to an insurance arrangement who undertakes to indemnify for losses.Insured: The person, group, or property for which an insurance policy is issued.
Group life insurance is written for employee groups, unions, creditors, and other similar groups to provide insurance coverage to a number of individuals under one contract. The underwriting is based on the group not the individuals. This insurance is typical of a employee benefit where every employee has a certain amount of coverage regardless of health or other factors.
Blue-Grace Group was created in 2007.
Blue-Grace Group's population is 2,011.
1State Farm Group$50,808,6352Allstate Insurance Group$24,796,2563Liberty Mutual Insurance Cos.$21,483,9964Berkshire Hathaway Insurance (includes Geico)$21,3583165Travelers Group$20,594,4586American International Group$19,687,7207Nationwide Group$14,489,5318Progressive Insurance Group$14,476,6769Farmers Insurance Group$14,129,51210USAA Group$10,679,41411Hartford Insurance Group$9,688,76012Chubb Group of Insurance Cos.$8,927,73613CNA Insurance Cos.$6,188,61814American Familiy Insurance Group$5,324, 29015Aliianz of America$4,666,30116Auto-Owners Insurance Group$4,485,44217Munich-American Holding Corp.$4,413,83418Zurich Finanical Services NA Group$4,400,12319Erie Insurance Group$4,019,27320Ace INA Group$3,705,47521Transatlantic Holdings Inc. Group$3,408,02022W.R. Berkley Group$3,392,33023The Hanover Insurance Group Property & Casualty Cos.$3,053,50824MetLife Auto and Home Group$2,983,23625Cincinnati Insurance Cos.$2,965,462
The answer to the question what type of insurance Mercury Insurance Group offers is, Mercury Insurance group offers Vehicle, Homeowners and Health insurance.
Individual plans can be purchased anytime. Most group plans have open enrollment periods, or are available for enrollment after your probationary period (90 days). Medicare has specific enrollement periods each year.
This company offers group insurance benefits such as health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, life insurance, and disability insurance to its employees.
The population of Vienna Insurance Group is 25,010.
Zurich Insurance Group was created in 1872.
Merchants Insurance Group was created in 1918.
Merchants Insurance Group's population is 323.