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Shrek once said "this is my swamp". it was shreks swamp get off my swamp

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Q: What are the general terms of a ground lease?
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What happens to cell phone tower lease when land is sold?

It depends on the terms of the lease. The lease may terminate or the lease may "run with the land."

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Can a tenant live in an apartment without electricity?

If the terms of the lease include that the tenant must have electric and the tenant is in violation of the lease terms you can evict him.

Is leasing a car in California the same as leasing a car in Florida?

In every state, there are different terms in the lease agreements. Between car dealers, there are also different terms. Overall, in general, it will be the same process.

Is a long lease or short lease better?

I'd suggest finding an easy lease with flexible terms which will serve you better in the big picture than differing between a long term or a short term lease. Leasing shouldn't be complicated and finding an easy lease ( where you can name the terms is the ticket.

How can you get out of a car lease?

You can always cancel any kind of lease agreement but there may be costs associated with cancellation of the contract. I would advise you to read your lease terms to see what the cancellation policy is and the terms of the policy if you have not already read them.

What is a lease exhibit?

An Exhibit can be an additional document that is added to a contract. It is, in effect, an attached document which is incorporated into the contract by reference. You can have, for example, a lease contract where all the general terms are spelled out in the contract language, but the Exhibit specifies exactly what you're leasing and for how much.

Can you Sell a house under a lease?

The owner can sell a house under a lease, but the buyer must either honor the terms of the lease or make an offer to get the tenant to break the lease.

Can a lease be paid off early?

In many cases, yes. You will have to look into the terms of your specific lease to be certain.

What is a ground rent lease and can is it advantageous to buy one?

A ground rent lease is a regular payment from the owner of a building to the owner of the land on which the building sits. The advantages vary greatly depending on the market at the time and the length of the lease.

Does a lease release or a amendment have to be signed to lease to someone else?

It depends on the terms of the lease that is in effect now. If you have a lease that does not allow for a sub-lease (or whatever you are trying to do), then yes, you will have to get the agreement of the landlord before sub-leasing.

Can a ground lease is assignable?

Depends on the language of the agreement.