The size, shape type of engine all affect the noise an engine makes
When ambulances are responding to a Priority One job (urgent situation) they activate the sirens and warning lights to alert other vehicles to let the ambulance through. The ambulance siren can be set to a variety of different sounds and volumes.
Different sounds are made because they make different sounds waves. Sounds are made from vibrations abd also they travel through air particles...
It produced by the sounds.
It produced by the sounds.
It produced by the sounds.
All words for vehicles have vowel sounds, if not vowels.
Different places on different vehicles.
It produced by the sounds.
all different sounds
Number plates are different colours to indicate different types of vehicles or vehicle registrations in different countries. For example, in some countries, certain colours may be used for private vehicles, while others are used for commercial vehicles or government vehicles. This helps law enforcement and other officials quickly identify and categorize vehicles on the road.
Different sounds are made because they make different sounds waves. Sounds are made from vibrations abd also they travel through air particles...