Each engine is different. Every manufacturer has a slightly different method.
As a general rule the cylinder head bolts are tightened in a spiral pattern, starting from the center of the head and working outward in a circle. This helps spread the load evenly and allows the head to properly settle. It is best done in stages, tightening to a low torque first and then increasing to the maximum permited.
The actual torque settings will have to be found from a workshop manual or car maker. It will depend on the size of the cylinder head, the material it is made from and the construction of the holding down bolts or studs. Some aluminium heads have an intial torque setting and then a rotation through a set angle. Some will need to have a preliminary tightening, then run the engine up to temperature and then loosening and retightening.
Others (mostly cast iron) will only require a two stage torque setting.
The spelling "tighten" is correct.
The correct torque spec is 85 INCH lbs.
desribe the correct tighting procedure for the wheel bearing
That is the correct spelling of the word "replacement."
The correct spelling is "policies and procedures."
What happens if you don't follow correct uninstall procedures
Special procedures required Follow instruction on hood label or service manual
a unit? never heard it called a unit before. you just fit pressure plate on to specified torque.simples
When you change the water pump on 2003 Chrysler Sebring six cylinder, you first need to purchase the correct replacement pump. You will need the right tools including wrenches to remove the old pump that is located on the cylinder block in the engine.
because if there is an accident and you have followed all the correct procedures then the accident is not your fault, but if you haven't followed the correct procedures then you are responsible for any accidents that happen and the consequences are your fault.
Torquing the '87 Cabrio cylinder head is a three-step operation. Using the correct 12-point socket and - most importantly, following the correct tightening sequence - torque the head bolts to 30 ft/lbs. Next, go back over the bolts in the same sequence and snug them to 44 ft/lbs. A final torque sequence requires all head bolts to be tightened an additional 1/2 turn. Also suggest you invest in both the Robert Bentley and Haynes service manuals for your vehicle. All specifications, torque values and, where necessary, the correct sequence of tightening, are provided.
The correct tightening specs for your liberty is 100 ft lbs.