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Do you mean the Tesla cars?

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Q: What are the cars called that run on electricity?
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Related questions

What do cars run on?

Cars run on fossil fuels, gasoline, vegetable oil, and electricity.

Can electricity be used to run cars?

yes electricity can be used in cars & vehicles

What run with electricity?

Electric cars.

What is electricity for cars called?


Which cars run on electricity and gas?

All gasoline cars run on both - electricity is required to create the spark which ignites the fuel/air mixture.

What are cars called that run on gas?

They are called cars that run on gasoline.

What will cars run on if their was no such thing as electricity?

Steam, perhaps.

What did the old cars run on in 1900s?

hovered and ran on electricity

Can you run your car on pond scum?

Not as such and not at the moment.No, you cannot. Cars run on Gasoline, Diesel, & electricity.

Does the subway work when the power's out?

no the subway cars use electricity to run

Can cars use electricity?

Yes, some cars CAN use electricity. However, it is only a developing invention so they might still have to run partially on gasoline.

What do hibernated cars run on?

Never heard of a hibernated car other than a car in storage. If you mean hybrid cars they run on gasoline and electricity.