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if a lender (bank) reposseses your auto in Florida and then asks for a deficiency amount, can the lender take this amount out of the buyers bank account without permission or any judgements filed with the county?

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Q: What are the auto repo laws in Florida?
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Related questions

In Florida is there a limit on the amount of money that a repo company can charge?

In Florida, the repo company charges the lender with the cost to repo the car. However, the repo company can charge no more than $25 for storage of personals found in the auto.

Can your wages be garnished in the state of Florida for an auto repo?

If you signed the wage garnishment yes

Where do you find state laws regarding auto repossession?

Repo Laws can be found at a site called or you can also check your local laws.

How do you get a repo license in Florida?

how do i get a a repo license in Florida

How do you find repo laws in your state?

Search on "repo laws + [your state]"

Where can you find laws and licensing information regarding Auto Repo for the state of Utah?

I have a number of good links on my site for Utah repossession laws:

Is auto inspection mandatory in Florida, USA?

after reviewing florida auto inspection laws it is mandatory to have your vehicle inspected prior to getting your inspection registration sticker and auto insurance is required to do so

What are the Ohio reposession laws?

there are no Ohio repo laws aslong as you don't breach the peace. I am a professional repo man

Do you have a right to be at the repo auction in Florida?


How far behind on a auto loan before they repo the auto?

3 payments

Can repo people repo your auto from privet property otherthen yours?

Yes they can, as long as it is the correct vehicle.

What is the law of auto repossession?

Repo laws are different from state to state. The very best thing to do in repo cases is seek advice from a attorney experienced in civil matters. The attorney can research individual cases to see if proper proceedures were followed as directed by law