1. Coronation street 2. Eastenders 2. Emmerdale 4. The arches 5. Holly oaks 6. Neighbours Back- I don't know
To find out your answer, go to the moon, drop a poomonkey in a crater, head back to earth, fly into the ground, eat a frozen fireball, eat your face, then go and sleep on lit tnt. also, you need to do this on the 34th Fruesday of the 1000th year.
This is a question and answers site, not a wifi trading spot.
This is a question and answers site, not a wifi trading spot.
Oh, dude, I'm not a mind reader, like, I can't just magically know what's on some random spot the football team card. You might want to, like, actually look at the card yourself or, I don't know, ask Simon Drew. Just a thought.
to Japan and back like Simon
"Have no fear, your back spot is here"
Indian united guest Simon go back
he said,"simon go back" ..!!
Simon Carr has written: 'The Boys Are Back in Town'
John Simon plays Line Back for the Baltimore Ravens.
Yes, have you ever seen a bug with a red spot on its back?