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Advantages- usually more power due to straighter intake runners(no pushrod ports to obstruct -shape/airflow) and higher rpm limit due to lighter valvetrain, easier to run multiple valves for more airflow

Disadvantages-increased cost$$$, physical size of the engine increases due to valvetrain on top of cylinderheads than being contained in the block when compared to a pushrod motor, need more speciality tools to work on/more training to work on

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Advantages- usually more power due to straighter intake runners(no pushrod ports to obstruct -shape/airflow) and higher rpm limit due to lighter valvetrain, easier to run multiple valves for more airflow Disadvantages-increased cos physical size of the engine increases due to valvetrain on top of cylinderheads than being contained in the block when compared to a pushrod motor, need more speciality tools to work on/more training to work on

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