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Where I live PLPD (Public Liability and Public Damage) are the first type

The second is known as comprehesive or colision

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Q: What are the 2 main categories of automobile insurance coverage?
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What are the main factors that determine the premiums charged for automobile insurance?

The main factors are where you live, driver age and sex, marital status, driving record, previous accidents and claims, credit score, and if you have current coverage and for how long. There are many many more factors in calculating auto insurance but these are the main ones.

What is Car insurance?

Comprehensive insurance coverage is a physical damage part of automobile insurance which covers you vehicle for fire, theft, vandalism, broken glass, and all animal collisions. Collision is the other main part of physical damage coverage which covers hitting something or turning the vehicle over. You can purchase comprehensive without collision but not collision without comprehensive.

What is comprehensive car insurance?

Comprehensive insurance coverage is a physical damage part of automobile insurance which covers you vehicle for fire, theft, vandalism, broken glass, and all animal collisions. Collision is the other main part of physical damage coverage which covers hitting something or turning the vehicle over. You can purchase comprehensive without collision but not collision without comprehensive.

What are some types of insurance coverage?

Some main types of health insurance coverage are individual, group, and business.If you are getting insurance on just you that would be individual. They also have family.

How does one get private health coverage?

"You get private health coverage or insurance by purchasing it from a private health insurance company. There is Athem Blue Cross, and that is the main one."

Do you need insurance coverage on a residential detached garage?

Most standard Homeowner's policies cover other structures on the same property that are detached from the main dwelling. This coverage is provided automatically in an amount of 20% of the dwelling coverage and is in addition to the coverage on the main residence.

Where can someone go to apply for a job as an automobile insurance agent?

Someone can go to employment websites such as Reed to apply for a job as an automobile insurance agent. Alternatively, someone can approach the main insurers directly to ask about vacancies.

What are the key differences between primary and contingent life insurance coverage options?

Primary life insurance coverage provides a fixed amount of coverage for a specific period of time, while contingent life insurance coverage acts as a backup plan in case the primary coverage is insufficient or unavailable. Primary coverage is typically purchased first and is the main source of protection, while contingent coverage is secondary and only comes into effect under certain circumstances.

What are the different kinds of life insurance available?

The main types of life insurance are term life insurance, whole life insurance, and universal life insurance. Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period, while whole life insurance offers coverage for your entire life. Universal life insurance combines a savings component with a death benefit.

Does basic motorcycle insurance cover theft?

"Basic" is vague. Generally speaking, there are two main categories of insurance: liability (which covers other people) and comprehensive (which covers your vehicle). If you have liability insurance only, it most likely won't cover theft of your motorcycle. You should talk to your insurance agent to be sure that what you want covered is covered, and that you're not paying for coverage you don't want (and aren't legally obligated to have).

What are some companies that offer maternity insurance?

Most of your main insurance companies such as Blue Cross Blue Shield as well as State Health Care have maternity coverage. Some vary as to rather or not they cover the pregnancy if you obtain the coverage after becoming pregnant.

What are the main advantages of selective insurance?

Selective insurance refers to the practice of insuring only specific risks or assets, rather than a broad coverage policy. The main advantages of selective insurance include cost savings, as policyholders only pay for coverage they actually need, increased customization to tailor coverage to individual needs, and potentially lower risk exposure by excluding certain risks from coverage. Additionally, selective insurance allows for more efficient claims processing and reduced administrative burden for insurers.