They are there so the occupants can plug in accessories such as battery chargers for cell phones and lap tops.
Probably a blown fuse
The 12V auxiliary power outlet used to be called a cigarette lighter with a covering device that could get hot enough to light a cigarette. Since smoking is no longer popular, the lighter was replaced with a plastic cover and it was renamed a "12V auxiliary power outlet".You can plug 12v devices into it for power such as search lights phone chargers etc
The fuse that controls the 12V outlets in the front of a 2004 Beetle will be coded with a title that resembles the words, cigarette lighter. They might also be coded as 12v outlet.
What you need to do is you have to get rid of your electric cords and put new ones in then get a new battery.
RTFM. Read the owners manual.
DC 12V power supply can convert 110/220V AC power source to 12V DC.
nothing as pennies do not fit into the wall outlets...they will however fit into CAR 12V ROUND outlets
Anything needing 12V to operate.
take a 12v power cord splice the wire and reconnect
The Makita 12V battery will work with many different power tools such as the power drill for LCT208W. The Makita 12V battery is primarily for power drill tools.
try cheking your fuse box you may have a fuse blown
Some SUVs may have electical outlets. Almost any vehicle can have a DC/AC power inverter installed to run AC powered devices. Make sure the output is enough for what you want to run, and follow the manufacturers instructions when installing.