Here are some of the vanguard variable annuity portfolios are VVA-Balanced, VVA-Capital Growth, VVA-Diversified Value, VVA-Equity Income, and VVA-Equity Index.
> How does the language support variable names? You can use any identifier to name a variable. > Are variable names case sensitive? Yes, in some languages, they are.
this is called a gear
In most programming languages, variable names cannot start with a number. Variable names must start with a letter, underscore (_), or dollar sign ($). This rule is in place to differentiate variable names from numeric literals.
Variable-names aren't to be declared.
Yamato , Musashi , Texas , Colorado , Bismarck , Tirpitz , Prince of Wales , Vanguard ,
Well, firstly, all PHP variable names begin with the dollar sign. After that...PHP variable names must begin with either a letter or an underscore ( _ )PHP variable names can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores.A variable cannot contain spaces. Therefore variable names using more than one word should be separated using an underscore or camel cased. e.g. $multiple_word_variable_name OR $multipleWordVariableName.
Variable names are used so the code is readable. When the code is compiled to machine languages, it no longer uses the variable names to understand it's operations...sometimes variable names are kept as metadata to help debug but the computer does not need them to execute the program...they are for us so we can easily understand what we are doing.
It has these names: Manipulated variable, controlled variable, and independent variable. Hope it helps - Roxas riku
When declaring a variable, don't use short and cryptic names such as 'x'. Use descriptive names for the variable, such as 'accumulator'. Also, don't declare more than one variable on the same line. You can, but it will help take some errors away from your code.
Meaningful variable names. Always use descriptive and meaningful variable names. Don't worry about the length. Meaningful variable names help other people reading your code understand what is going on. Example: if (a <= = 24) What is a? This is confusing. if (vacationHours <= = 24) See, better. <li>Variable scope indicated by name. Code is easier to read and understand if each variable indicates it's scope. One way to do this is to add prefixes to variable names, for example: Scope = Class member or instance variable: m_hours Scope = Class static variable: s_hours Scope = Parameter passed in a method call: p_hours Scope = local variable to a method: l_hours Regards ~Anoop
Use a character variable. For example: plus = '+' minus = '-' You can now refer to these symbols using the variable names "plus" or "minus".
Interestingly, it is often called the manipulated variable, though it is also called the independent variable and sometimes other names.