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Gap car insurance excludes any equipment that was not factory installed on the car, unpaid or overdue lease or loan payments, and money that was "rolled" into the car such as trade in vehicles.

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Q: What are some common gap car insurance coverage exclusions?
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Hidden Insurance Problems Caused by Pre-Existing Conditions?

Pre-existing heart conditions, such as heart disease, are a headache for insurance companies as well as individuals. For heart patients, insurance companies may deny coverage so as not to lose money. Even when coverage appears to be granted, hidden exclusions may appear in some individual insurance plans. These include not covering a congenital defect even though the insurance company may not deem it congenital, and including previous health insurance plan coverage toward a new plan's lifetime limit of coverage. Both hidden exclusions are illegal under group plan policies.

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if you have comprehensive coverage, most cases yes, some companys/policys have exclusions for the 'keys in the car' thefts, but most do not.....check turn in the claim.......

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if you have collision or comprehensive coverage there would be coverage, subject to some exclusions, such as : you didn't roll it off the cliff on purpose (intentional act).......hope that helps, more info regarding why/how it rolled off, and i could be of better assistance

Does homeowners insurance cover theft or robbery in your home?

Yes, most homeowners insurance policies typically provide coverage for theft or robbery within your home. The policy would generally reimburse you for stolen items and help cover the cost of any damage caused during a break-in. It's important to review your specific policy to understand the coverage limits and any exclusions related to theft.

What are some types of insurance coverage?

Some main types of health insurance coverage are individual, group, and business.If you are getting insurance on just you that would be individual. They also have family.

What are some of the insurance companies that cover identity theft coverage?

Insurance companies that cover identity theft coverage are available at a wide range. Some examples are Zander Insurance Group, Travelers Insurance and Intact Insurance.

What are some of the benefits offered by Aenta Medical Insurance?

Some of the benefits offered by the Aetna Medical Insurance include dental insurance coverage in certain states and coverage for prescription drugs. You also have coverage for hospital and specialist care.

Is the cost of a cosmetic surgery procedure usually covered by health insurance?

There are normally a number of exclusions on a health insurance policy. These exclusions can include some cosmetic surgery procedures and one is advised to examine all policy documents very closely.

Is towing coverage provided on my auto insurance policy?

Some auto insurance policies do provide towing coverage. It is listed in your policy whether the coverage is provided or not.

What is the point of cheap pet insurance?

The point of having pet insurance is to be able to provide care for one's pet, without exorbitant costs, should it become ill. Many plans will reimburse for expenses, except for some exclusions. Contact the insurance provider for more information on what the exclusions may be.

Is homeowners insurance available after filing a sinkhole claim?

It should be but the premiums may be higher or there may be some exclusions applied.

What are some of the main benefits of commercial combined insurance?

Some of the main benefits of commercial combined insurance is that it will automatically index linking at renewal to buildings and contents. There are also legal expense exclusions as part of the insurance cover.