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First get out and look, start the engine, put your foot on the brake, shift into reverse, look over your shoulder, release the brake, back slowly, watch your front end while backing.

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Q: What are seven things to do when backing your car?
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Why is backing a tractor trailer different from backing a car?

The first major difference is the trailer, which turns on a pivot point. Another major difference is the blind spot. In a car, you can look out the rear window at things directly behind you - not so with a tractor-trailer.

In California if a car backing out of a parking spot hits a forward coming car who is at fault?

The person backing out due to the other car having the right-of-way.

Who fault if person backing out of a parking space and hits a car driving the wrong way in a car park?

If the person backing out of the space had not seen a pedestrian walking the "wrong way" it would be the fault of the driver of the car backing out....... So it is the fault of the person backing out. They did not look to make sure it was safe to do so.

If a car is parked in a red zone who is at fault?

the car backing up

If you were parked in a parking space and you back out of your spot and while you are still backing out of it another car backs into you That is their fault right?

Generally, the person backing out is at fault. If you are both backing out you're probably both at fault and will probably share the cost of repair, with each repairing their own. yes because you were backing out and they hit your car its their fault!!!!!!! yes because you were backing out and they hit your car its their fault!!!!!!!

When backing up your car you should?


Who is at fault when you are backing out of a parking space and another car makes a left hand turn into the parking lot behind your car after you begun to back out?

Most of the time this will be a 50/50. If there is Video evedence or a witness that says one or other car was being careless or driving to fast or there is other evedence that could change. One of the things to look at is did the backing car back into the side of the other car or did the backing vehical get hit in the side and how far down the side? If you have evedence of this you might convince the judge and your insurance company who was "At Fault"

When backing out of a driveway with a parked car directly opposite the driveway on a two lane road who is responsible if the car that is backing up hits the parked car?

The car in motion is ALWAYS at fault when it hits a stationary vehicle.

In Canada who is at fault if a car hit another car while backing up?

The backing. The other car has the right of way wether they saw you or not doesn't change that. If it was parked, that's even worse.

On a one way 2 lane street a person is backing in to a spot and hits the car in the other lane whose is at fault?

The backing car would be at fault. The question implies that the backing car crossed the center line and would have been moving against the flow of traffic.

What causes a knocking sound when backing a car?

If it only happens when backing up, you may have the parking brake engaged.

Who is at fault when you are backing out of a parking lot space and the other car is in a red zone?

If you are driving the backing car, no matter WHERE the other cas is located, YOU are the one at fault if you collide with it.