The rod bolt torque specs on H Farmall 1942 ser is 110 ft/lbs on the head nut. The connecting rod is 54.0 ft/lbs. Always be careful when you are doing the final torquing of your equipment.
the torque spec is 110 foot pounds. start at half of the spec, going from center out in a circular rotation. then again at full torque.
What are the head bolt torque specs for a mazda mx3 1600
Head Bolt Torque Specs for1995 Suzuki Savage Ls650ps they got alot of torque specs on there
2003 Kia Optima 2.4, 16 valve.what are the cylinder head bolt torque specs torque at?
I need head bolt torque specs and sequence on 2003 Chevy Malibu 3.1
Torque SPECS bolt cylinder head
Head bolt specs for the '86 Samurai are 46 to 50.5 in. lbs.
head bolt torque specs 680 rincon
The head bolt torque specs for the 2000 Eclipse with a 3.0 liter is 81.07 feet-pounds and 973.39 inch-pounds. In addition, torque specs include 100 N-m.
It is in a shlp manual from AUTOBOOKSONLINE.COM