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accidents on a roadway.

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Q: What are roadway accidents?
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What is the roadway of a bridge called?

The roadway.

How are bicycles classified when they are on the roadway?

Bicycles are classified as vehicles when they are on the roadway.

When turning under what circumstances must you stop for pedestrians crossing?

Under ALL circumstances. Pedestrians in the roadway always have the right-of-way, even if they are crossing the roadway illegally. In motor vehicle accidents involving pedestrians, the fault is always assigned to the driver of the vehicle, unless extenuating circumstances (such as someone jumping in front of the vehicle) can be proved (rare).

The purpose of a deceleration lane is?

The purpose of a deceleration lane is to provide drivers with a designated area to slow down and safely exit the main roadway. This lane helps to reduce the risk of accidents by separating merging and exiting traffic.

What is thesame meaning of roadway?

A Roadway is the part of the road for the use of vehicles. Some other names for a roadway is street, road, avenue, court and boulevard. There are many names to use in place of roadway.

What is a major roadway in Michigan?

the major roadway is number 62 street

Er diagrams on roadway travels?

er diagram for roadway travels

Is airway shorter than roadway?

airway is longer than a roadway.

What is the number of a major roadway in Michigan?

the major roadway number of Michigan is 62

A structure that carries a roadway over a river?

The structure that carries a roadway over a River is referred to as a bridge. A structure that carries a roadway under a River is referred to as a tunnel.

Soft shoulders are an especially dangerous roadway condition due to a change of traction and roadway elevation between wheels on the roadway and wheels on the shoulder?

The question is a true statement.

When was Park Avenue Tunnel - roadway - created?

Park Avenue Tunnel - roadway - was created in 1834.