Cars made outside your country that have been shipped to your country.
Jaguar car can be imported and exported anywhere in the world
Most cars now days are imported to the US. Any Japanese, Korean, or European cars are imported. Not all brands are imported, however. Some Hondas come from Canada, and some VW's come from Mexico. So "what is imported to the US?" is a very vague question.
The things imported are: ~Gold ~Medicines ~Cars ~Electronic Items and ~Perfumes
I depends on where you live as to where you can find one. The best place to find imported cars would be in Miami or Los Angeles in America. There are no special regulation for buying import cars as long as they are in America when you purchase them.
cars, corn etc....
It was round about 500,000
Imported cars are generally more expensive to insure. This is due to having to pay for the extra cost of shipping over parts in case an accident occurs.
uh.. rice and small boxy cars
Yes. Toyota's, Honda's, Suzuki's, Lamborghini's, and all other foreign cars are imported. Ironicaly, because the Big 3 have factories outside the Americas, they are imports too.
I believe that almost everything is imported, because they don't have much wood, metal, cars, etc. I believe that almost everything is imported, because they don't have much wood, metal, cars, etc.