There are many situations that can cause burning or itching eyes. Examples of situations that can cause burning or itching eyes include working with chemicals or being around gases.
Its the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System, used for normal communications and in Distress Ugency and Safety situations.........
distress=death and childbirth
It is impossible to tell what the cause of distress was to Antonio, or even if Antonio is in distress without more information. Please be more specific.
There are many causes of gastrointestinal distress. One cause of gastrointestinal distress is from amnesic shellfish poisoning. Enzyme deficiencies is also another cause of gastrointestinal distress.
Kleptophobia is the fear of theft or being robbed. It is a specific phobia that can cause feelings of anxiety and distress in situations where individuals feel vulnerable to being stolen from.
To be or not to be, THAT is the question...
Excessive water intake and excessive caffeine will cause GI distress.
The meaning of "to be the cause of distress" is when one person causes another person great pain or distress. Here is a sample sentence. Jane's son is a heroin addict. He causes her great distress because he has not beet the addiction and he steals to get money to support his addiction.
distress or mistress
she ate a girl out