If there is no cooling system, the engin will overheat.
The cooling system helps keep the car from running too hot. A diagram for the 1998 Ford Taurus cooling system can be found in the car's maintenance or repair manual.
Yes, engine oil and automatic transmission oil can both get into the cooling system.
A cooling system schematic for this car can be found in the maintenance manual. It can also be found in the repair manual of the car.
busted radiator? No water filling the cooling system
Yes. If you are low on oil your car may run hot and even your radiator won't be enought to cool it down
It Will usually have an air pocket in the cooling system. But it may just be the Air Conditioning equalising after you shut the car off. Start by filling the cooling system
Poor coolant circulation in the cooling system.
drain the whole cooling system and refill it. You will never know if you don't give details of your car!
The cooling system is a closed system. If there is smoke (probably steam) there must be a leak in the cooling system somewhere.
A "professional flushing of antifreeze" is when a mechanic or other paid professional connects a hose assembly to your car radiator while at the same time opening the release valve (usually located at the bottom of the radiator) and forces water thru your car's water cooling system. The effect is to cleanse the system of old and rusted water and old antifreeze. This procedure is usually done just prior to adding new antifreeze to a car's cooling system, most often before the winter driving season. The end result being a more effective cooling system for the car. Hope this helps.
Alternator air conditioner air cooling system