The main bearings are what supports the crankshaft. The rod bearings go on the rod that the pistions are hooked to. Rod bearings are smaller then the main bearings on all engines.
main bearing whats happens when goin out
The rod bearing torque spec from mercruiser is 45 lb there is no spec that i can find for the main bearing caps.
You should not need to remove the main bearing cap, in order to replace the rear main seal. The rear main seal will come off without touching the main bearing cap.
You can tell if the main thrust bearing is bad by simply checking out the oil. If you notice little metal particles, chances are the thrust bearing has spoiled.
2.5 inches
a main dish is a main dish & sweets are sweets
the torque setting for the the main bearings of the Toyota 2c engine is 103 Nm. The rid bearing caps are 59 Nm
what is the torque specifications of the main bearing cup pistion bearing cup and cylinder head bolt tighteness
Don't understand your question...... If you mean the rear main bearing in the engine ... then NO.
rod bearing Toyota tercel 87
The thrust bearing is located in the crankshaft journal. usually in the center main cap. Although sometimes toward the front or rear it is recognizable, the only main bearing with sides.