A dependent decsion (non hypthetical) is a decision that can only be made after an action has occured. For example: Will you buy auto insurance from X or Y insurer before you have decided on buying either a car or a bicycle?
consumer taste
Dependent personality disorder is characterized by an excessive need to be taken care of and difficulty in making decisions
Main symptoms of Dependent Personality Disorder include excessive need to be taken care of, fear of being alone, difficulty making decisions without reassurance from others, and being overly agreeable to others to avoid rejection.
Yes, computers are highly dependent on humans. They require humans to design, program, operate, and provide instructions. Without human input, computers cannot function or make decisions independently.
Yes. The man in the story acts as the independent figure who makes the decisions, where as, the female is more dependent on the male who looks for his guidance in all decisions the couple makes; whether she likes them or not.
dependent personality disorder (A+)
dependent personality disorder (A+)
dependent mean dependent othewise not dependent
In order to be less dependent in a relationship, you need to go out without the other person from time to time, and let him do the same. Also, discuss things with the other person but make final decisions on your own.
An Aries man appreciates the more dependent woman who values and follows his opinion and advice. If you are an independent woman who makes her own decisions, this is not always well received by the Aries man.
tactic decisions & strategic decisions
Decisions Decisions - 1977 was released on: USA: 1977