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A bald tyre is a tyre whose tread has become worn down to a smooth or nearly smooth surface. A bald tyre is extremely dangerous as grip on the road surface is reduced and skidding is a probability. In the UK, it is illegal to have bald or nearly bald tyre(s) on your vehicle.

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What do you call a person who is half bald?

They would be balding.

Is fake hair awesome?

Only if your bald or balding.

Why was little edie bald?

Little Edie was bald because she had a seriously bad case of alopecia. (early balding).

Can bald tires affect abs system?

Bald tires can effect anything concerning braking. You will not stop as quickly with bald tires as with tires with tread period. No matter if you have ABS or not.

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Tupac Shakur suffered from pre-mature balding, so he shaved his head.

Does driving on bald tires effect your car?

Yes, the traction available form bald tires is very low and unsafe.

Does balding mean you have more testosterone?

Yes genreally males who are bald have higher testosterone but balding comes from the males mothers side. So look ladies look at the males on your future husbands mothers side if her father is bald there's a good chance your future hubby will be one day too!!

Why is it illegal to have bald tires?

Bald tires are more likely to skid and slide - particularly if it's wet. It is considered an unacceptable risk to other road users.

Can cars hydroplane at 30 MPH?

With bald tires it can.

What is the fine for having two bald tires on the car plus a bald spare tire?

Depends on where you live.

Do hats cause balding?

no it does not No they do not. While there may be some disorders and medication that may cause someone to bald, it is generally a genetic reason.