The Flasher Relay for the 98 Lumina Sedan, (and all 97-03 GM W-Body
If it is a newer GM, you should be able to put the key in the "On" position for 10 minutes and the relay will reset itself.
Yes, I have one. All GM parts.
GM doesn't use inertia switches.
Yes it will with no problems.
NO, It is different.
I was told they did!
Yes, There the same.
4.3 v6 gm late model
I think its on the firewall under the hood
It is mounted on the firewall....almost in the center. If it's the original relay it will say GM ABS IV on it.
Yes, Pontiac 6000, Chevrolet Celebrity, & Buick Century, will all fit. They are all bascially the same car with different trim.