A mechanic never truly retires. He'll always find something to fix.
The average age a photographer retires is around 62
after 60 years.
The earliest age that you can retire is at 62 years old.
ronaldinho will never retire
the senate has to retire at the age of 75.
Most Americans retire between the ages of 60 to 70, with the average age being around 65. However, retirement age can vary based on individual circumstances, such as financial stability, health, and personal preferences.
at the age of 123
There is not set age for when a doctor is suggested to retire. The rule of thump is always that a doctor must retire when old age effects his or her performance.
We do not know what age Chris Brown plans to retire because Chris Brown has never said anything about when he plans to retire or that he plans to retire anytime soon.
the average reirement age