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if you knock someone over they could either lose their head or die

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Q: What accidents are caused by speeding?
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Related questions

What are the most common causes of car accidents in Australia?

Car accidents are caused by many things but the main cause of accidents are speeding drivers.Statistics show that 40% of the accidents worldwide are caused by speeding. The other reasons being distracted drivers (26%) and drunk drivers (34%)All sources are governmental prooven

How many accidents were caused by speeding drivers in the last five years?

Over 100,000 people died.

Are there more weather caused accidents than speeding accidents?

Weather never causes accidents, The only exception being cars and tornado's. People who blame the weather are deflecting the blame from themselves.What you want to knowThere are many times "Weather related" accidents than speed caused accidents.

Is a major factor in traffic crashes?

Judging by the word missing, i think you meant speed. Government "scientist" say that over 50% of accidents are caused by speeding. Non government scientist say that only 7% of all accidents are caused by EXCESSIVE speeding. look it up if you dont believe me

How are accidents caused?

speeding, if the car's brakes are broken, you don't know how to drive, not following the laws of driving, slippery roads, no light, raining, snowing.Another VIew: The biggest single cause of vehicle accidents is INATTENTION TO DRIVING.

What age have the most speeding accidents?

17 to 21

What is does speeding cause?

Accidents, death, disability, etc.

How many children die caused of speeding?

Speeding is a major factor in many road traffic accidents, including those involving children. According to the World Health Organization, speeding contributes to around 30% of all road traffic deaths globally. However, the exact number of children who die due to speeding varies by location and year.



What is the single biggest cause of car accidents?

Probably speeding.

Is Speeding a factor in 30 percent of all fatal accidents?


What is the number one cause of accidents in highway work zones?
