A bicyclist is somebody who is operating a 2 wheeled human powered vehicle.
A cart.Answer 2:A two wheeled vehicle pulled by a horse could be a cart or a sulky.A two-wheeled vehicle, beginning with a "c", that is pulled by a horse could be a chariot.There are several:carriagechariotbuggybrouettecabrioletdennetdogcartgighansomnoddyquadrigashandrysulkytilburyThere are many two wheeled horse vehicles, but typically they are referred to as horse carts or buggies. Larger 4 wheeled vehicles were usually called carriage's, coaches and wagons.The two-wheeled cart to race Standardbreds are called sulkies. Ones used for show or pleasure can be called carts or buggies, usually buggies are 4-wheeled though. There may be other terms but these are the most common.
In Ct you may go online and download all the MVB laws. Try Sec. 14-286. If you want to drive a vehicle on public streets, you must have a valid "Drivers License" (Min. age is 16). If the 2-3 wheeled vehicle has an engine over 49cc you must also have a motor cycle license.
A hatchback is a car with a boot that opens up and is one piece.
Yes, you must obtain a special licence for the operation of any two wheeled vehicle in Florida I don't believe that it is necessary to obtain any license for the operation of a pedaled bicycle. Even small children ride 2 & 3 wheeled pedaled vehicles without a license.
I believe that any 2 or 3-wheeled vehicle over 50cc is classified as a motorcycle.
The penalty for forging a motor vehicle title depends on the value of the vehicle. The last man that I know about only got 2 years.
A two-wheeled means of transport typically refers to a vehicle or mode of transportation that is supported by two wheels, such as bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, and some Segway models. These vehicles are designed for individuals to ride or operate on various terrains for commuting or recreational purposes.
No, a motorcycle is defined as a heavily built 2 wheeled vehicle driven by an engine that carries one or two people and sometimes a side car.
That really depends on the specifics of the mission. If you're traversing ground which is too soft for a wheeled vehicle, then you'd want a tracked vehicle. If you have to cross bodies of water, it would need to be an amphibious vehicle. If enemy armour is a threat, a vehicle like the M-2 Bradley, which has the capacity to launch TOW missiles, would be desirable. If speed is your focus, and you have usage of roadways, then a wheeled vehicle would certainly have advantages. What's best is all situation dependent.
No. Unless you have driven a dirt bike or some type of 2 wheeled vehicle before than i wouldn't recommend it.