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Q: Was randolph Scott an oil well owner?
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Who is the owner of the Texas oil industry?

paul well

Who was the drillers name in first oil well drilled in Louisian?

Scott Haywood

How do you find who is handling an oil well account in Texas?

Ask the owner of the land after getting his/her name and address from the clerk of the county where the well is located.

Where in Randolph Co can you buy off road diesel fuel?

M.F.A. oil co

Where is Chelsea fc popular?

Chelsea are famous in both England as well as Russia, as the owner of Chelsea is a Russian oil Billionaire.

Is tuna with natural oil harmful for cats?

Not at all. It is a win-win for the cat and for the owner that wants the feline to eat well.

What is the oil weight size on a new bettle?

Check owner manual for correct oil

What type of oil do they take?

What type oil does what take?? The correct weight oil is listed in the owner's manual. Brand is your choice.

Where was oil found?

aaron p made it whoop and so did Scott

What has the author Robert Cean Randolph written?

Robert Cean Randolph has written: 'Nearshore sediment contamination and toxicity thirty months after the 1991 Gulf War oil spill' -- subject(s): Environmental aspects, Environmental aspects of Oil spills, Environmental aspects of Persian Gulf War, 1991, Environmental impact analysis, Marine pollution, Oil spills, Persian Gulf War, 1991

What type of oil grade for Audi allroad?

The owner's manual suggests that you use 0W-30 oil for the 2.7T engine, but you can typically use a 5W-30 as well. You might consult your local Audi dealer to find the right brand and weight of oil just to be safe.

Oil grade for 96 caprice?

Listed in your owner's manual. If you have no manual, use 10w30 this summer and get an owner's manual.