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Q: True or False Typically window air conditioners utilize automatic defrost?
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Gram negative , obligate aerobes 2) Utilize amino acids, but not carbohydrates as a source of carbon and energy. 3) Often live intracellularly within protozoa & macrophages. 4) Isolated from water in air conditioners & produce misters 5) Legionella pneumophila - Legionnaire's disease

How would you use utilize in a sentence?

"Utilize your pencil and write down the answer!" Is one way to utilize the word "utilize". Also, using the word "Use" or "Using" is a better word than "Utilize".Utilize means "to make use of", so you could say: "During the SATs, I utilize my time well by double-checking my answers."

What are the differences between leverage and utilize?

Leverage typically refers to gaining an advantage or maximizing potential by using a specific resource or tool. Utilize, on the other hand, simply means to make use of something effectively or efficiently. While leverage implies gaining a strategic advantage, utilize focuses on the practical application of a resource.

What appliances make use of latent heat of vaporization?

Some common appliances that make use of latent heat of vaporization include air conditioners, refrigerators, and dehumidifiers. These appliances utilize refrigerants that undergo a phase change from liquid to gas, absorbing heat from the surroundings in the process.