The rocker box bolt torque specifications, on your Harley-Davidson, is 15 pounds per square inch. The bolts should be torqued in five pound intervals.
The rocker box bolt torque specifications, on your Harley-Davidson, is 15 pounds per square inch. The bolts should be torqued in five pound intervals.
in sequence torque bolts to 20nm, then again in sequence turn a futher 120 degrees, and again in sequence 120 degrees.
The torque settings are 40 to 45lb/ft for the outer row, 65 to 70 for the centre to inner row. Haynes (Methuen & Coomber 1999) doesn't specify any particular order for refitting the head bolts; follow the standard automotive practice of tightening the ones furthest apart and moving inwards.
What are the torque specifications and the tightening sequence of the cylinder head bolts on a 1996 Saturn SL1?
The cylinder head bolt settings for a Mitsubishi 4G15 engine typically involve tightening the bolts in a specific sequence to a set torque specification. It's important to follow the manufacturer's recommended procedure to ensure proper sealing and prevent any damage to the engine components. It's advised to consult the specific service manual for your engine to get the accurate torque specifications and tightening sequence.
Just criss-cross on the bolts and don't tighten them all in sequence, just like tightening lug nuts on a wheel.
Torque for valve cover bolts is 7 to 10 ft. Lbs . Tighten the bolts in a criss-cross pattern .
Tighten the valve cover retaining bolts in sequence, torque them to 71-106 inch lbs. (8-12 Nm).
which one? The head bolts? Engine to transaxle? And, are you really asking what the tightening sequence and/or torque rating is?
45,65,65 ft lbs then 90 degrees. the cylinder head bolts on a kia sedona 2.9?"