on a basic TTR-125, the top speed should be somewhere around 45-50 MPH
a stock ttr 125 goes 52 -55
50-55mph stock
50-55mph stock
top speed 55-60 depends on your weight
The top speed of the 125 ttr dirt bike is determined by the surface upon which it is being ridden as well as the weight of the person ridding and gear. Ordinarily it can do speeds of up to 85mph on slopes and 55mph on flat terrain.
Any two stroke 85 is faster than a ttr 125 because it has more torwue and is made for racing. a ttr is a trail bike and not made for speed
The top speed of a Yamaha TTR 110 is around 40-45 mph.
NGK CR7-HSA run the best in a ttr 125. Thats what I have in my ttr 125.
45 to 50mp