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Q: To avoid striking the vehicle in the front of you keep at least how many seconds following distance?
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How many seconds following distance does it take to pass a vehicle safely in good conditions?

3 seconds

In good weather conditions the safe following distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you is at least what distance?

8 seconds

If you are driving a 30 ft vehicle at 55 mph how many seconds of the following distance should be allow?


Create a following distance greater than 3 seconds ahead when?

a driver behind your vehicle is trying to pass you

What is following distance?

What is following distance? Following distance is the space between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you while driving. It's important for all drivers to maintain a safe following distance, so that they have time to safely stop in case the vehicle in front of them brakes abruptly.

If you are driving a 30 foot vehicle at 55 mph haw many seconds of following distance should you allow?

4 sec

What is the legal distance to follow a vehicle?

3 seconds

How much following distance a driver should keep to keep a safe following distance in an urban area?

In any driving location, it is generally agreed to be safe if you position yourself 3 seconds or more behind the vehicle in front of you.

What is the minimum interval between your vehicle and the one you are following?

3 seconds

In ideal circumstances the minimum interval between your vehicle and the one you are following is?

3 Seconds Two seconds

When following another vehicle how much driving time should you maintain between yourself and the other vehicle you are following?

At minimum 3 seconds. If the road conditions are adverse, it should be 5 seconds or more.

What is the distance for following an emergency vehicle?

You should probably not be following one in the first place.