how mucHow much is ticket talking on cell phone while driving in California 2013Read more: How_much_is_ticket_talking_on_cell_phone_while_driving_in_California_2013h is the fine
The fine for talking on a cell phone in PA is currently $50.
the right answer is $700
$100 dollars in Torrington, CT.
if it was a reeeally important call yes
Think for yourself! :p cause i don't even know myself! >:)
Minimum fine for talking on your cell phone (without a handsfree device) in Oregon is $142.00.And, contrary to local lore, an officer can pull you over JUST for talking on the phone - it's a primary offense.
$155, $75 ticket + $80 surcharge
Talking on your cell phone while driving is illegal in California. Hands free devices are allowed. From the Los Angeles Times: "The first offense will result in a $20 ticket, and subsequent citations are $50 apiece. But with court costs and penalties, the true costs of those tickets are $76 and $190, respectively."
Talking on your cell phone while driving is not dangerous.
fines are 50$ (for the first time) then 100$ (second time) and than 250$ (for the rest)