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a mechanic or technition

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Q: The person who repairs the engine in a car?
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What do you call the person who repairs your car?

The person who repairs your car is called a mechanic.machinate

Car Engine Repairs?

form_title=Car Engine Repairs form_header=Having engine issues? We will help you find a mechanic to repair your engine. What is the mileage on your car?=_ Have you had problems with your engine before?= () Yes () No Have you noticed any leakage under the engine?= () Yes () No Has the car been making any knocking sounds?= () Yes () No Have you noticed any unusual smells when the car is running?= () Yes () No

How do we call a person who repairs car?

A mechanic, or motor mechanic, or car mechanic.

Your car engine died and you still owe money to the bank for it you cant afford the repairs What can you do?

you could steel a car. :)

What you called a person who sells cars?

A person who repairs cars is called a "Mechanic".

Who is responsible to repairs to a financed car?

For items covered under warranty, the dealer. For items which are not, the person who is making the payments on the car.

How to stop water from getting into oil?

Keep them in separate bottles. If it's in your car engine, you need serious repairs.

Is get to a engine hard?

No- it is designed to be accessible in case of needed repairs (assuming you mean car) it is under hood on most

Car broken and needs repairs and it is financed?

car is broken and needs major repairs but is still financed how do pay for the repairs

Who is responsible to pay for repairs to my car which was parked in a parking lot and another car hit the passenger side causing considerable damage?

The Person who hit your car.

What is the average life span of a diesel car engine?

I can let you know that you need many small repairs 100,000km and it needs extensive repairs at 150,000km.However if you maintain it properly it will go up to 300,000km.

I bought a used a car for 4200 and 60 days later I'm told I need 1000 or more in engine repairs.?

well, what kind of car is it? how many miles? what kind of engine repairs? no matter what you spend on a car initially, i would think that at some point it will have to have something repaired. Engine repairs are a tricky thing though, Honda Toyota. etc are known for their reliability in the engine department.. Mercedes , land rovers. etc are notorious for being broken every month,. so if you think you got a good deal on a used car.. you should take in to consideration that 4200 is a pretty low price . .. 1000 in engine repairs (if they are actually needed) (find an honest mechanic that you can trust, most of these guys are con artists and good at it) would only put your total price of the car up to 5200.. not so bad.. unless it's a 1982 corolla..... post some more info on the car please..