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Q: The odometer on a car showed 11911 a number that is the same forward or backward -what is the next greater number that can be read forward or backward?
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What is palindrome number?

A number that reads the same forward and backward. eg: 666 1221 12321

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A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters that reads the same forward and backward. "A little chicks nose" is not a palindrome because it does not read the same backward as forward.

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A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same forward and backward.

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'palindromic' means 'reads the same forward and backward', such as 'mom' and 'noon'. So yes, 878 a palindromic number.

Can 1111 be a palindrome?

If you mean the number 1,111 or simply 1111, this is a palindrome. A palindrome is a string or number that is spelled or written the same way forward and backward.

The Palindrome of 67 176 is?

The number 67176 is a palindrome because it can be read the same way either forward or backward. The palindrome of 67176 is 67176.

What are the HYDRA controls in gta san Andreas?

If you are using laptop and you do not have a Number Pad then press these buttons to activate one fn+end (num lk) 8=Gas Forward 4=Gas Backward W=Forward S=Backward A=Left D=Right LMB=Bomb/Missiles

What is the palindrome number between 12 and 30?

22 is the only palindromic number between 12 and 30. 22 is a palindrome because its characters are the same when read forward or backward.