The force required to open air bags is dangerous for children, infants, and small adults.
chocking on infants and children and adults aren't much different but with infants they will cough and might be sick and stop breathing
infants and young children
witches were not dangerous to adults but they do not like children and well to say they are dangerous to children....
It is dangerous because it is an infant being stung by a Bark Scorpion, which is really poisonous to adults, but deadly to infants.
For Children, it can get dangerous to have one. For adults, why not??? :D
CPR can be performed by trained bystanders or healthcare professionals on infants, children, and adults
no the children had more dangerous jobs
acute hypoxia and tachycardia
compression in 5 cycles
Chest physical therapy can be used with newborns, infants, children, and adults.
For 1-person CPR the compression-ventilation ratio for children (and adults and infants) are 30 compressions to 2 breaths.