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Increases the amount of health care consumed

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These Fing Nuts. White Boy

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Q: The fact that most medical care purchases are financed through insurance?
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If your car is financed through a dealer do you have to have full coverage insurance?

I believe it depends on the state, but as far as I know, if you have to have full coverage on a financed car, it doesn't matter where it's financed. If you still have questions, ask your insurance person, they'll know the answer.

What is private medical insurance?

Private medical insurance is medical insurance that is purchased directly through a provider and not through the state. For example Blue Cross Blue Shield is a private medical insurance provider.

What is private insurance?

Private medical insurance is medical insurance that is purchased directly through a provider and not through the state. For example Blue Cross Blue Shield is a private medical insurance provider.

Is it better to be financed for an auto loan through the dealer or through a source like a credit union?

It is often better to be through an insurance agency, often times a dealer will provide you with an insurance agent.

What types of insurance are available through Costco?

Costco offers several types of insurance that businesses only can purchases through them. Business can purchase Health, Dental, and Injury insurance from Costco.

Where does Medicare get its funding?

Medicare is funded primarily through payroll taxes, with contributions from both employees and employers. Part A of Medicare, which covers hospital insurance, is financed through the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund. Part B, which covers medical insurance, and Part D, which covers prescription drugs, are primarily funded through general revenues and beneficiary premiums.

How is the government financed?

The government is financed through taxes.

Where can one find affordable medical insurance in Winnipeg?

Affordable medical insurance in Winnipeg can be obtained through a variety of medical insurance carriers. The Manitoba government website is a great place to start learning about medical benefits, as many forms of care are covered through the government for Canadian citizens.

How can one get a medical and dental insurance?

The most common way to get medical and dental insurance is through one's employer. However, one can also get medical and dental insurance directly from many insurance companies by going to their website or calling them.

What does AARP insurance cover?

AARP insurance covers everything from life insurance to car insurance. You an also get plans for medical insurance through them.

Which medical insurance is primary for the wife when the husband and wife each have insurance through their jobs?

The Wifes

How were cathridals financed?

Cathedrals were financed by the congregation. This was done through their contributions.