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h is hot and c is cold

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Q: The difference between H and C in car?
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What is the electronegativity difference between the bonded atoms C-H?

The electronegativity difference between carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) is about 0.4. Carbon has an electronegativity value of 2.55, while hydrogen has a value of 2.20. This relatively small electronegativity difference means that the C-H bond is considered nonpolar.

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Saturated molecules have single bonds between carbon atoms and are saturated with hydrogen atoms. Unsaturated molecules have double or triple bonds between carbon atoms, meaning they can accommodate more hydrogen atoms. Unsaturated molecules are typically more reactive than saturated molecules.

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The difference is a t, e, c, k, r, and an h.

Why are C-H bonds considered nonpolar?

C-H bonds are considered nonpolar because the electronegativity difference between carbon and hydrogen is very small, making the distribution of electrons fairly even between the two atoms. As a result, there is no significant separation of charge along the bond, leading to a nonpolar nature.

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The least reactive bond is the C-C bond. Single bonds between carbon atoms tend to be relatively stable compared to other bonds like C-O, O-H, or H-Cl, which are more polar or reactive due to differences in electronegativity between the atoms involved.

Who is at fault if car a is mergeing into the next lane hit car b and caused car b to hit car c then car a hits car b again car c is injured who pays for car h's injuries?

H is. Why is it there in the first place. You can see there is another car there, so get out the way

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There is a great difference between S Typhi O and H. The S Typhi O is somatic, and H is flagella.

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Alkane: -ane. C-C interaction has single bond Alkene: -ene. C-C interaction has double bond Alkyne: -yne. C-C interaction has triple bond Least reactive alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons, while alkene and alkyne not. Alkanes undergo susbstitution reaction while others under go addition reactions rather. Alkanes rule is CnH2n+2 while alkene CnH2n and alkyne CnH2n-2.

What is the product of Br2 plus HCl?

...........H..H.H ...........|...|..| H-C=C-C-C-C-H ....|...|..|...|..| ....H..H..H..H.H thats 1-pentene when you add Br2 to that it, it adds across the C to C double bond. ...Br..BrH.H.H ....|...|..|...|..| H-C-C-C-C-C-H ....|...|..|...|..| ....H..H..H..H.H this is an example of an addition reaction

Is the bond between H Cl and C polar?

The S-Cl bond is polar. The electronegativity difference between S and Cl is 0.58, which means it is polar.