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check your ground wires...they might be loose or detached.

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Q: The brake lights tail lights and dash lights quit working?
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Replace the light sensor, it is under dash, 22$ at auto zone, my head lights quit working at night, but brake ligjts & fog lights still worked

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Check the switch on the pedal

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The two items commonly share a power fuse.

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there was a recall on the brake light switch you might want to check into that

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There are several things that can cause your 2000 Cadillac dashboard lights to quit working. The most common cause is a blown fuse.

Why would your turn signals quit working after replacing the brake lights?

Brake lights often use a dual-filament bulb. If this gets inserted the wrong way other functions can suffer.

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If the speedometer and brake lights aren't working then you should change the fuse. If that doesn't work then check the electrical system associated with your Heritage.

Why would the brake lights on a 1985 Toyota Camry quit working?

Check bulbs Fuse Stop light switch

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Low beams are burned out.

How do you fix the brake lights on a 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee all of the lights quit working at the same time?

this sounds like a fuse or 2. that's where i would start.