A nice working fire extinguisher. Ussually they are red and hanging some where in the house.
The ABC rated or the CO2 fire extinguisher works. DO NOT USE WATER!!
the best tool to extinguish a small gasoline or diesel fire is a portable fire extinguisher true or false
Same tool for all fires, fire extinguisher, CO2 would be ideal, H20 would be a BIG MISTAKE
True, provided that the extinguisher is the proper type. An ABC dry chemical extinguisher would be the best extinguisher to use.
Fire extinguishers containing dry chemical powder or carbon dioxide are commonly used to extinguish fires at gas stations. It is important to never use water on a gas station fire because it can spread the flames. In case of a large fire, it is best to evacuate the area and let trained firefighters handle the situation.
A foam extinguisher.
A special fire extinguisher made for gasoline fires.
Either use gasoline instead of diesel, or get the best kind of diesel.
beware you need to get one that is designed for that type of fire using the wrong type could make things a lot worse
Water should not be used to extinguish a gasoline fire because the gasoline will stay on top of the water which can spread the fire quicker. The best thing to use is a fire extinguisher.
definitley diesel its a much more effecient engine and surprisingly burns much cleaner than gasoline especially in performance if you put 5grand into a diesel truck your lookin at close to 30 mpgs or more as to were a gasoline engine would be getting only about 8
Their car either wont start or will shut off the the diesel gets to the engine. no damage. they'll just have to drain all the diesel out. If you're talking about putting, say, 1 gal of diesel into a gasoline tank that has 5 gals or more of gasoline the performance of the engine will be reduced. If this was the case (mistakenly put a small amount of diesel in a gasoline vehicle) I've simply fill the gas tank with gasoline and had no other problems; I was a gasoline retailer for many years so I'm talking many dozens of mistaken 'self-serves' that were non-events. Of course, if the gas tank that diesel was installed was near empty and someone put 5 gals of diesel into that tank it is best to drain that diesel before refilling with the proper fuel. Hope this helps. AND I would like to add this does NOT have any validity if one has put 1 gallon of gasoline in a DIESEL vehicle...If you added gasoline I strongly suggest you drain ALL of that mix out of that DIESEL powered vehicle immediately. DO NOT THINK of starting it.
If its a gas dirt bike it will run best on gasoline. If you but diesel in it it'll run rough and eventually die. if you mix diesel and gasoline in the tank the bike might run but you may have trouble with the engine in the future. Just don't do it.