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Q: The average driver has at least how many collisions for every 500 miles driven?
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Related questions

What is the percentage of injury in collisions?

The percentage of injury in collisions can vary depending on factors such as speed, vehicle type, and safety measures in place. On average, around 30-40% of collisions result in injuries, with a wide range of severity from minor to life-threatening. It is essential to prioritize safety measures such as wearing seat belts and following traffic laws to reduce the risk of injuries in collisions.

Average amount of miles driven per week?

On average every American driver drives approximately 230 miles per week. This equals out to be around 12,000 miles each year. Americans have some of the highest average driving miles compared to other countries around the world.

What is the typical cost of driver safety training for a high school student?

The price depends, on your background, For example, have you driven before, and/or, have you gotten into an accident. For every person, the price, varies.

A collision occurs every?

A collision occurs every second on the roads worldwide. This includes various types of collisions such as vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-pedestrian, or vehicle-to-object collisions. It is essential to prioritize road safety measures to reduce the frequency and severity of collisions.

Do car collisions occur every 20 seconds?

20 secs

About one of every three collisions results in an injury?

One-third of collisions result in injuries, highlighting the potential dangers of road accidents. It is crucial to prioritize safety measures such as following traffic rules, wearing seat belts, and not driving under the influence to reduce the risk of injuries in collisions.

How often should the average motorist change their oil?

The average motorist should change the oil every 3000 miles. Oil should be changed more often if driven in dusty condition.

How many collisions throughout the world are reported every year?

100 million

How many people are injured in traffic collisions every year?

2.3 million

How many people are killed in traffic collisions every year?

about 40,000 people

How many miles does the average trucker driver drive?

anywhere from 2,200 to 3,500 per week. (but not every month) anywhere from 8,000 to 12,000 per month (but not every month) roughly 110,000 miles on average per year

What product prevents car collisions at intersections without requiring every car to stop at every intersection?

traffic lights