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becuz u start 2 sweat if u dont
One reason why the brakes on a car should be checked regularly is because they are so important. You have to be sure that when you need to stop, you will be able to.

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Q: Suggest why the brakes on a car should be checked regularly?
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Why should car brakes be checked regularly?

You wouldn't want to be going down an incline (a hill) and find you have no brakes!

Why should the brakes on a car be checked regularly?

the brakes are the only thing between you aand the car you might hit,besides the car around you,you should check them regularly to avoid cossions,or minimise the damage,hitting a car at 75 can total both cars and cause injuries,using the brakes can minimise the injury or even PREVENT the crash

Where can one go to get their car brakes checked?

Finding a place to get car brakes checked should not present a problem. Sears, Pep Boys, Meineke, Firestone, Goodyear and Midas are all places where one can get their car brakes checked.

Your brakes feel like they are pulling?

If your brakes feel like they are pulling you should get them checked out. These brakes may need to be replaced.

What should be check regularly?

we should regularly checked our health,so that we know if we are in good condition..........

Why do tires of cars need replacement?

Tires are a wear item just as brakes are. They will wear from friction. Properly inflated they should wear evenly. PSI inflation should be checked regularly. If they are not wearing evenly the vehicle may need an alignment.

What should be checked regularly in a medical checke up?

At least once a month!

Where can I go get my brakes checked?

If you did not go to a Toyota dealer then the brake material may not be correct for ... Q: Since my front brake pads were replaced I'm now getting a pulsation in my brake ... You should have your brakes checked as a precaution

How often should drum brakes be replaced?

It depends. High quality brakes can last a very long time if you drive your car properly and do not rabbit drive. If they are squeaking, you should have them checked out.

To prevent fire hazards all equipment should be checked how many times?

equipment must be checked on and off regularly to prevent accidents like fire hazards.

What should you do when window ac freezes up?

Get it checked from a professional and also clean it regularly to avoid this kind of thing.

How do you fix the rear wheel brakes from locking up?

If the rear wheel brakes are locking up on a vehicle they should be thoroughly checked. The master cylinder may need to be replaced on the car.