They aren't. They were a part of Ford but have been sold to an Indian company, Tata. Jaguar uses many GM parts. The transmission on many models from the 80's and 90's, even though Jaguar's parent company was Ford, is a GM Turbo 400. Small items such as wheel bearings etc are also GM.
gm part group 1270 part 3868338
GM part number 123308 not found.
it means what is a part if the jaguar that helps them survive
No GM does not own any part of Toyota.
At GM parts site ":Number not found" It's probably an aftermarket part number, but it's not a GM
since a jaguar (animal) is fast automakers use its image to try and sell cars.
what is the most important body part of a jaguar
it's Chrysler/Dodge... not part of the GM conglomerate
No. GM does not own any part of Chrysler.
It is/was part of GM
That part Number does not show up in any GM cross f=reference of parts. Vehicle and make?
10219021 label can be used on any GM vehicle