that depends on how much your policy says they will settle on. if you are having a problem with insurance company, get a lawyer. all insurance companies will rip you off and pay as little as they possably can
An auto injury attorney can negotiate with with other person's insurance company to find the best solution to the accident. The insurance company should handle the situation, and provide the best outcome for you.
Take them to small claims court or settle it through your insurance company.
You are responsible
You can't. Usually it is up to the insurance company's discretion. They have the right to settle their insurance claims for as little as possible without litigation. \
Typically, an insurance policy gives the insurance company the right to settle any claim at its sole discretion. So, you may have no right to oppose the insurance company's decision to settle! But read your policy to find out for sure.
The status of a policy can be had by browsing the Insurance Company's portal,if you have prior registration, or you can visit the Insurance Company's office for status of your policy.
yes.. make sure you contact your insurance company and let your insurance deal with your friend's insurnace to settle the damage amount to have it repaired. asian623
She is suing you and you must notify your insurance company of the lawsuit. They will pay, make an offer to settle or defend you.
See if your insurance company will help you resolve the claim. The contractor should definitely make things right.
Yes, but it varies by the state and insurance companies can extend the amount of time to pay claim, such as if they need to investigate fraud.
In the state of Arizona, there is no specified time limit in which an insurance company has to settle a claim with an insured party or with a third party that has filed a claim. An individual does have a time limit of two years in which to file a lawsuit against the driver who was at fault in an accident.